Eravamo insieme

Enrichetta Ritter e Lisa Ponti
Pier Giacomo Castiglioni
Pier Giacomo and Achille used to enter together into that room where Domus, back then, was being “improvised”: wonderful 1950s!
In pairs – as angels often do – they would explain their project to us editors – Enrichetta and Lisa, another couple.
They also took turns speaking. And, just like that, each time it was not an ‘innovation’ but a real ‘invention’. Inventing not just an object but a space. Or rather, a way of inhabiting a space (the Splugen Brau Brewery, a space distributed on different levels, which the Milanese allowed to disappear, would have created a sensation in New York).
Where did the all-Italian authenticity of their talent lie?
In a secret humour, which increased the voltage of their ideas.
We, Enrichetta (Ritter) and Lisa (Ponti), then editors of Domus – and now almost centenarian doyens – can testify to that.
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